before we start i have no one to tag so i tag the people how plan on commenting after this and
Let's begin
Morning or nighttime person?
Im a nighttime person, i gotta have sleep
What is your biggest accomplishment?
Don't have one really
What is your blogging goal for this year?
Make a tag, and blog about what i was going to do and a travel blog about my trip to Georgia
Did you celebrate easter? If so what did you do?
Kind of, i got anime stuff and we just chill around the house
If you could talk to anyone alive at the moment for 30 minutes who would it be?
My grandfather/ Dad's dad because i meet him when i was young and, like to know him better
Who is your favorite celebrity?
Dose this count it's a band call Digital Dagger's
What is your favorite genre of book?
Manga, romance, and stuff with magic
Here are my question's and i tag people how comment
Have you ever been engineer?
Favorite show?
What is your biggest fear ?
If you could learn and travel about a culture what would it be?
You can chose one of the question and let me known,